Steve Jobs has died surrounded by his family after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. He is being remembered as a creative genius, a visionary who changed the world and the way we live.
Since 1997, Steve Jobs has taken the case of Apple MacWorld Keynote address to the crowd, with the pride and power. In a majestic, seemingly mystical, the pulpit located on a large stage, dramatically lit, which has given shareholders, software developers, enthusiasts and consumers, numbering in the millions, with Apple's plans for next year. His sense of intimidation has allowed control have control over this growing audience that rarely belong to people who do not derive their power from government or God. It is easy to understand why every product launches, press releases, news leak, or any of an innumerable list of maneuvers, can cause measurable, even dramatic, changes in the stock market. With great power comes great responsibility. Steve Jobs is certainly the core of Apple Inc. and staff both in this great enterprise, the big question is clear: What about the apple when it loses its essence?
Mac Keynote's event marked the 2009 World day the devoted members of the Church of Apple came to see that bleeds, Steve Jobs, like everyone else. Her posture and slow movements broken, weakened daunting. The silence of the audience as to all attendees hung on every word that offer jobs "was in fact a reminiscence of its former greatness. However, this time the silence was as a result of the shock, he felt equally by all, as it was the usual mark of respect. As always, when Steve makes a move, the Universe responds. Reactions innumerable flooded the network. The articles represent the disappearance on Jobs. Smarmy opportunistic viral games launched inviting users to bet when he was going to die, what disease he had, when the company would fall as well as countless others. Nothing, however, was as powerful as the moment when Steve Jobs was relieved of the main direction to defer to Phil Schiller, senior vice president of Worldwide Product Marketing, to address the nation to Apple as the voice of God, while watched from the side of a stool.
When rumors sad Steve Jobs' health was confirmed in the Mac World keynote event, share prices fell immediately. Apple Inc. faced a moment of truth unpleasant and inevitable. Jobs is Apple and this could be the work of one in this country that can not be outsourced. Moreover, even if another man or a group of men, could be fought, trained, motivated and enthusiastic to relieve from office Steve Jobs successful countrymen are willing to surrender to a new king?
Jobs is responsible for generating intuitive operating system that uses the iconography instead of code to represent the shares in the personal computer platform. Job is responsible for the idea of embellishing the cover of the systems that can withstand almost like art in your home. Jobs made possible the ability level of the animation needed to works of digital art that continue to come from Pixar. He saved the music business by designing a platform that could monetize a database of media files and was able to position this market in hundreds of millions of computers around the world and, more recently, the pocket of almost a hundred million men and women in the United States. Has been erected temples to the greatness of Apple in major cities worldwide, whose imposing presence evokes images of the chief priests and virgins of platinum surrounded by overflowing chalice grapes on the vine. All that Apple wants to say that the world is a direct extension of the soul of Steve Jobs.
In the current form of Apple, is that just lost without Jobs at the helm? Of course! Can a vehicle be built through which, over time, a seamless transfer of power could be executed? Is it possible to enhance the next super man or woman to protect and grow this company until it kills him or herself? Well, it works for the papacy and the pope could be the only one with the devotees, like many.
Some believe that Apple's Jobs-less is not as threatening as an idea that I think it is. They believe that while Steve Jobs, is unquestionably an important part of the history of Apple, the company's success is attributable to the work of many - not a single man. Apple has been in and out of work in recent years and while it is true that Jobs has brought a lot of value, the idea that Apple, a system of many organs, arteries, and work processes, they face a diagnosis terminal by excision is both presumptuous and impossible. IBM pushed ahead with the loss of Tom Watson. Microsoft came forward, and continues as the market leader, without Bill Gates as CEO.
The fact is that corporations have focused on leadership transitions forever. Apple Inc. is not the first company from the loss of a great leader and certainly not the last. Bill Gates, no doubt the winner of the battle Jobs / Gates, based solely on income, is celebrating its graceful exit from his role as CEO of Microsoft. Steve Ballmer has been CEO of Microsoft registry for over ten years, Microsoft has maintained its leading position in the market so far. If a much larger company that Apple could face the same problem and manage to relative perfection, then Apple should be able to do it. No?
Ballmer and Gates selected years prepare you for the role before the transition was made official in January 2000. To put this in context of apple, about the same time that Gates decided to start preparing his heir, Steve Jobs, was saying, or perhaps regain the throne of Apple. Gates continues to maintain control of select corporate divisions including, in particular, the technology division. It was not until 2009 that Gates "real left" of the company. 12 or 13 years have been invested in the preparation of a successor to replace Bill Gates. The official transition culminated in the CES 2009 (Consumer Electronics Show) show where Steve Ballmer Microsoft's annual delivery keynote address. This was the first time someone other than Gates had led to this program.
Steve Jobs has done nothing to prepare for a potential successor or successors to assume various end position. Appointment of Phil Schiller to direct the opening 2009 and the appointment of Tim Cook to act as interim CEO during the work of "sick leave, were acts of desperate need and not representations of faith in the strength of his team . Schiller and Cook were alternates and it was clear to the world, for them, and, most importantly, employment, these workarounds that had nothing to do with the future operations of Apple. It is potentially possible for work to prepare an heir, like Gates did that at the moment of his life taking into account the health problems he has faced consistent over the past 5 years.
Regarding the public perception of stakeholders of a company, Microsoft certainly seems to be difficult to address problems with the right corporate sensitivity. The maneuver sequence that Microsoft implemented a carefully planned program shows that the company set to grow further. Shown as a major superego may take a back seat once the time has come, the needs of the company. However, we must also recognize that since the change in leadership, Microsoft has been in steady decline. Is this learning curve? That seems like a diagnosis rates, but until the numbers prove the hypothesis, is only the philosophy of value.
So what to do with Apple? The objective should not be to find a replacement for Steve Jobs, since it is impossible. Employment history and the history of Apple are too intertwined to the end of a no to indicate the end of the other. The mission is the distance from the marks of others. While Jobs' life would have been significantly responsible for leading the Apple brand to its current market position, not be responsible for taking in the future. For many consumers, the obsession with Apple products not related to Steve Jobs at all. So long as these customers have the same level of innovation, design and utility that are associated with the Apple brand, loyalty and sales remain still in kind.
Moreover, the main trend in all the current Apple product line is the winner of the open platform. Apple ads people rarely use or brand personalities to market their products. The famous iPod uses silhouettes of men and women focus on any specific type of person and, therefore, with the participation of all of us. The iPhone broke the mold as a mobile device sales of any platform that can accommodate hundreds of thousands of applications that each user has the power to choose or reject. All comparable products before relying on the packaging of a winning combination of winning features of the mass market.
Apple Inc. should continue to implement these ideas. Celebrate users! Celebrate consumers! Celebrate Apple store that carries a brilliantly conceived product of a genius, but as a lifestyle that offers the country an opportunity to conceive brilliantly the best products for themselves. The iPhone is a tool box waiting to be filled with public services. The most striking feature of the App Store is that it only manages the unloading operations between buyers and software developers worldwide. This is amazing! Apple runs a system in which the same people who buy the products also create applications. Highlight the world as the true source of power that makes Big Apple! That's incredible. That promises a phenomenal future growth and unlimited potential for innovation. Best of all, true. Steve Jobs has been the core of Apple Inc. and has brought forth a remarkable revolution that shares the credit for Apple's success with the world and not because the world consumes the products, but because now the world does. Thanks Steve. Thanks apple. Most importantly, thank you world. To the future!
Jon Kobrin is a lifelong New Yorker who now lives on the Upper East Side. He is a director and marketing director Appsolute Media LLC. He is obsessed with the brand and have a belief without waivering no excuse for bad design. He has a passion for communication. Without ceasing studies consumer behavior in the digital space. Think constantly researching everything and never stop creating. Their motto is "The real success is possible only in the intersection of passion and ability."
Jon served as vice president of an intergovernmental organization (Inter-governmental) United Nations
He has produced professional kickboxing tournaments
He has been owner of popular restaurants and nightclubs in New York.
He knows how to party average and has a deep appreciation for good single malt.
Is an aspiring creative writer and all around.
Appsolute media conceives, engineers, designs and promotes the most advanced applications and addictive mobile and the Web in the market. Appsolute media also works with leading brands and personalities to create and implement weight products for all major mobile platforms. Through aggressive and innovative promotion, applications, media Appsolute have offered themselves as Hot Apple Apps and recognized by industry publications.
Since 1997, Steve Jobs has taken the case of Apple MacWorld Keynote address to the crowd, with the pride and power. In a majestic, seemingly mystical, the pulpit located on a large stage, dramatically lit, which has given shareholders, software developers, enthusiasts and consumers, numbering in the millions, with Apple's plans for next year. His sense of intimidation has allowed control have control over this growing audience that rarely belong to people who do not derive their power from government or God. It is easy to understand why every product launches, press releases, news leak, or any of an innumerable list of maneuvers, can cause measurable, even dramatic, changes in the stock market. With great power comes great responsibility. Steve Jobs is certainly the core of Apple Inc. and staff both in this great enterprise, the big question is clear: What about the apple when it loses its essence?
Mac Keynote's event marked the 2009 World day the devoted members of the Church of Apple came to see that bleeds, Steve Jobs, like everyone else. Her posture and slow movements broken, weakened daunting. The silence of the audience as to all attendees hung on every word that offer jobs "was in fact a reminiscence of its former greatness. However, this time the silence was as a result of the shock, he felt equally by all, as it was the usual mark of respect. As always, when Steve makes a move, the Universe responds. Reactions innumerable flooded the network. The articles represent the disappearance on Jobs. Smarmy opportunistic viral games launched inviting users to bet when he was going to die, what disease he had, when the company would fall as well as countless others. Nothing, however, was as powerful as the moment when Steve Jobs was relieved of the main direction to defer to Phil Schiller, senior vice president of Worldwide Product Marketing, to address the nation to Apple as the voice of God, while watched from the side of a stool.
When rumors sad Steve Jobs' health was confirmed in the Mac World keynote event, share prices fell immediately. Apple Inc. faced a moment of truth unpleasant and inevitable. Jobs is Apple and this could be the work of one in this country that can not be outsourced. Moreover, even if another man or a group of men, could be fought, trained, motivated and enthusiastic to relieve from office Steve Jobs successful countrymen are willing to surrender to a new king?
Jobs is responsible for generating intuitive operating system that uses the iconography instead of code to represent the shares in the personal computer platform. Job is responsible for the idea of embellishing the cover of the systems that can withstand almost like art in your home. Jobs made possible the ability level of the animation needed to works of digital art that continue to come from Pixar. He saved the music business by designing a platform that could monetize a database of media files and was able to position this market in hundreds of millions of computers around the world and, more recently, the pocket of almost a hundred million men and women in the United States. Has been erected temples to the greatness of Apple in major cities worldwide, whose imposing presence evokes images of the chief priests and virgins of platinum surrounded by overflowing chalice grapes on the vine. All that Apple wants to say that the world is a direct extension of the soul of Steve Jobs.
In the current form of Apple, is that just lost without Jobs at the helm? Of course! Can a vehicle be built through which, over time, a seamless transfer of power could be executed? Is it possible to enhance the next super man or woman to protect and grow this company until it kills him or herself? Well, it works for the papacy and the pope could be the only one with the devotees, like many.
Some believe that Apple's Jobs-less is not as threatening as an idea that I think it is. They believe that while Steve Jobs, is unquestionably an important part of the history of Apple, the company's success is attributable to the work of many - not a single man. Apple has been in and out of work in recent years and while it is true that Jobs has brought a lot of value, the idea that Apple, a system of many organs, arteries, and work processes, they face a diagnosis terminal by excision is both presumptuous and impossible. IBM pushed ahead with the loss of Tom Watson. Microsoft came forward, and continues as the market leader, without Bill Gates as CEO.
The fact is that corporations have focused on leadership transitions forever. Apple Inc. is not the first company from the loss of a great leader and certainly not the last. Bill Gates, no doubt the winner of the battle Jobs / Gates, based solely on income, is celebrating its graceful exit from his role as CEO of Microsoft. Steve Ballmer has been CEO of Microsoft registry for over ten years, Microsoft has maintained its leading position in the market so far. If a much larger company that Apple could face the same problem and manage to relative perfection, then Apple should be able to do it. No?
Ballmer and Gates selected years prepare you for the role before the transition was made official in January 2000. To put this in context of apple, about the same time that Gates decided to start preparing his heir, Steve Jobs, was saying, or perhaps regain the throne of Apple. Gates continues to maintain control of select corporate divisions including, in particular, the technology division. It was not until 2009 that Gates "real left" of the company. 12 or 13 years have been invested in the preparation of a successor to replace Bill Gates. The official transition culminated in the CES 2009 (Consumer Electronics Show) show where Steve Ballmer Microsoft's annual delivery keynote address. This was the first time someone other than Gates had led to this program.
Steve Jobs has done nothing to prepare for a potential successor or successors to assume various end position. Appointment of Phil Schiller to direct the opening 2009 and the appointment of Tim Cook to act as interim CEO during the work of "sick leave, were acts of desperate need and not representations of faith in the strength of his team . Schiller and Cook were alternates and it was clear to the world, for them, and, most importantly, employment, these workarounds that had nothing to do with the future operations of Apple. It is potentially possible for work to prepare an heir, like Gates did that at the moment of his life taking into account the health problems he has faced consistent over the past 5 years.
Regarding the public perception of stakeholders of a company, Microsoft certainly seems to be difficult to address problems with the right corporate sensitivity. The maneuver sequence that Microsoft implemented a carefully planned program shows that the company set to grow further. Shown as a major superego may take a back seat once the time has come, the needs of the company. However, we must also recognize that since the change in leadership, Microsoft has been in steady decline. Is this learning curve? That seems like a diagnosis rates, but until the numbers prove the hypothesis, is only the philosophy of value.
So what to do with Apple? The objective should not be to find a replacement for Steve Jobs, since it is impossible. Employment history and the history of Apple are too intertwined to the end of a no to indicate the end of the other. The mission is the distance from the marks of others. While Jobs' life would have been significantly responsible for leading the Apple brand to its current market position, not be responsible for taking in the future. For many consumers, the obsession with Apple products not related to Steve Jobs at all. So long as these customers have the same level of innovation, design and utility that are associated with the Apple brand, loyalty and sales remain still in kind.
Moreover, the main trend in all the current Apple product line is the winner of the open platform. Apple ads people rarely use or brand personalities to market their products. The famous iPod uses silhouettes of men and women focus on any specific type of person and, therefore, with the participation of all of us. The iPhone broke the mold as a mobile device sales of any platform that can accommodate hundreds of thousands of applications that each user has the power to choose or reject. All comparable products before relying on the packaging of a winning combination of winning features of the mass market.
Apple Inc. should continue to implement these ideas. Celebrate users! Celebrate consumers! Celebrate Apple store that carries a brilliantly conceived product of a genius, but as a lifestyle that offers the country an opportunity to conceive brilliantly the best products for themselves. The iPhone is a tool box waiting to be filled with public services. The most striking feature of the App Store is that it only manages the unloading operations between buyers and software developers worldwide. This is amazing! Apple runs a system in which the same people who buy the products also create applications. Highlight the world as the true source of power that makes Big Apple! That's incredible. That promises a phenomenal future growth and unlimited potential for innovation. Best of all, true. Steve Jobs has been the core of Apple Inc. and has brought forth a remarkable revolution that shares the credit for Apple's success with the world and not because the world consumes the products, but because now the world does. Thanks Steve. Thanks apple. Most importantly, thank you world. To the future!
Jon Kobrin is a lifelong New Yorker who now lives on the Upper East Side. He is a director and marketing director Appsolute Media LLC. He is obsessed with the brand and have a belief without waivering no excuse for bad design. He has a passion for communication. Without ceasing studies consumer behavior in the digital space. Think constantly researching everything and never stop creating. Their motto is "The real success is possible only in the intersection of passion and ability."
Jon served as vice president of an intergovernmental organization (Inter-governmental) United Nations
He has produced professional kickboxing tournaments
He has been owner of popular restaurants and nightclubs in New York.
He knows how to party average and has a deep appreciation for good single malt.
Is an aspiring creative writer and all around.
Appsolute media conceives, engineers, designs and promotes the most advanced applications and addictive mobile and the Web in the market. Appsolute media also works with leading brands and personalities to create and implement weight products for all major mobile platforms. Through aggressive and innovative promotion, applications, media Appsolute have offered themselves as Hot Apple Apps and recognized by industry publications.
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→Apple founder Steve Jobs dead
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